I. Personal InformationFull name *Student ID *0 / 11Major of Study *SelectBusiness AdministrationFinance and BankingAccountingEconomicsBiotechnologyFood TechnologyApplied ChemistryChemical EngineeringComputer ScienceData ScienceInformation TechnologyElectronics and Telecommunications EngineeringAutomation and Control EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringIndustrial and Systems EngineeringLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementCivil EngineeringSpace EngineeringApplied MathematicsEnglish Linguistics and LanguagesEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringProject ManagementGPA (scale 100) *Minimum GPA requirement: 68/100Are you in a twinning program? *Please select an optionYesNoIf yes, please select specify the twinning program: *SelectWest of England 2+2West of England 3+1West of England 4+0Auckland 2+2New South Wales 2+2Houston 2+2Nottingham 2+2Andrews 4+0SUNY Binghamton 2+2Deakin 2+2Turku 2+1Date of birth *Passport Number *0 / 10Expiry date *Are you holding any enrollment scholarship? *No scholarshipFull scholarshipPartial scholarshipNo scholarshipEnrollment scholarship = admission scholarshipContact informationEmail Address *Please enter your personal email addressMobile *E.g. 091 234 56 78Link to Your Facebook AccountLanguage proficiency (optional)Language testIELTSTOEFLOther testScoreExpiry dateII. Program RegistrationAcademic year *e.g. 2022-2023Start semester *Fall semesterSpring semesterFull yearPlease select "Full year" if you want to go exchange both fall and spring semesters (or 2 consecutive semesters)Program applicationCheck for information of partner institutions (at cim.hcmiu.edu.vn/outbound-exchange-destination/) or ISEP institutions (at isepstudyabroad.org/member-universities/)Program type *Partner exchangeISEP (Please write the name of your desired host institutions in the application form)Selected host institutions - PartnerPlease check your opportunities at cim.hcmiu.edu.vn/outbound-exchange-destination/Host country (max. 10 countries)Host countryUSACanadaAustriaDenmarkSwedenFranceGermanyThe NetherlandsLithuaniaLiechtensteinSpainCzechiaLatviaAustraliaSouth KoreaJapanThailandMalaysiaIndonesiaTaiwanIsraelHost institutionHost institutionUSA-Marquette UniversityCanada-Thompson Rivers UniversityCanada-The University of WinnipegCanada-York UniversityAustria-MCI Management Center InnsbruckDenmark-University of Southern Denmark (Faculty of Engineering)Sweden-Jonkoping University (School of Engineering)France-Ecole de Management de NormandieFrance-EPMIFrance-Rennes School of BusinessGermany-Reutlingen University (ESB Business School)Germany-Munich University of Applied SciencesGermany-Julius - Maximilians University of WurzburgGermany-SRH University HeidelbergGermany-Hoschule Bremen City University of Applied SciencesThe Netherlands-HAN University of Applied SciencesThe Netherlands-University of GroningenLithuania-Vilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityLiechtenstein-University of LiechtensteinSpain-Universidad Carlos III de MadridSpain-The University of AlicanteCzech Republic-Czech Technical University in PragueLatvia-Riga Technical UniversityAustralia-Macquarie UniversitySouth Korea-University Of SeoulSouth Korea-Konkuk UniversitySouth Korea-Pusan National University (College of BA & Engineering)South Korea-Sungkyungkwan UniversitySouth Korea-Jeonbuk National UniversitySouth Korea-Chung-Ang UniversityJapan-Otaru University Of CommerceJapan-University of FukuiJapan-Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)Japan-Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyJapan-Yamaguchi UniversityJapan-Hokkaido University (VNUHCM Partner)Thailand-Thammasat University (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology)Thailand-National Institute of Development AdministrationMalaysia-Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaMalaysia-Universiti Tun Hussein Onn MalaysiaIndonesia-Institut Teknologi BandungTaiwan-National Chung Hsing UniversityTaiwan-National Taipei UniversityIsrael-Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) HerzliyaIndia-Indian Institute of Technology BombayApplication document submissionHow to name files: [Start semester + year - Full name - Student ID - File name], e.g. [Spring 2024 - Nguyen Van A - BABAIU21001 - Application Form]; please only submit pdf filesUpload your ID photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileFile type: .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .png, .heicCompleted Application form *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileFound at cim.hcmiu.edu.vn/outbound-downloadCV/Resume in English *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileTranscript scale 100 *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRequest at onlinerequestoaa.hcmiu.edu.vnTranscript (scale 4.0) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRequested at onlinerequestoaa.hcmiu.edu.vnMotivation letter *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileApproximately 500 wordsCopy of passport information page *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileLetter of recommendation 1 (if required)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease contact your lecturerLetter of recommendation 2 (if required) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease contact your lecturerLetter of recommendation 2 (if applicable)Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPlease contact your lecturerEnglish certificate (if applicable)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileOther English certificates (if any) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileOther documentsChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePlease merge all other documents into 1 PDF fileSubmit (do not close tab)