Student Exchange Program for Fall Semester 2018 at Hankuk University, Korea
- Program details:
- Duration: September 03rd 2018 – December 21th 2018
- Number of scholarship: 3
- Scholarship value:
- Full tuition fee waiver and field trip fee. Besides, applicants would be considered for Global Exchange Scholarship and Global Korea Scholarship Program for Foreign Exchange Students of Korean Government.
- Fees on your own: accommodation, living expense, insurance, round trip airfare and dormitory fee (300-500 USD).
- Application requirements:
- Target candidates: Students who complete at least 1 semester of studying.
- GPA ≥ 2.5/4.0
- English proficiency: Applicants meet one of these following requirements
- IELTS ≥ 6.0
- TOEFL/TOEFL ITP ≥ 550, TOEFL computer-based ≥213, TOEFL iBT ≥ 80
- TOEIC – 750
- Recommendation letter from lecturers, confirming students’ English proficiency to take lectures in English.
- Application package:
- 02 portrait pictures size 3cm x 4cm (white background)
- CV
- Transcript of record (scale 100)
- Dormitory application form
- Health Status issued by Medical Centers pointed by Korea Consulate General of Korea (for students applying to stay at dorm)
- 01 essay about self-introduction and study plan (in English)
- Photo copy of Identity card
- Passport photo
- Photocopy of English Certificate
- Student status Certificate
- Application deadline:
Submit Application packages to Office of International Student Service Center (Room A2.604) before April 10th 2018.